Protecting Your Wealth To Help You Leave A Legacy
At Hi-Desert Law, in Yucca Valley, founding attorney Don Ross takes great care to treat his California clients like family. As a former peace officer and children’s victim/witness advocate with the district attorney’s office, he founded his firm on principles of protection. He wants to help you think ahead to help your family and safeguard your personal wealth so that it goes exactly where you want it to go and your loved ones can stay out of court.
Read more about his background and experience here:
Attorney Ross works with a team of associates, and together, they serve as personal wealth lawyers helping clients protect what they have already earned so that it’s not lost to the state, creditors or other individuals.
Crafting Your Legacy With Innovative Estate Planning Options
Offering services at predetermined flat rates, the legal team at Hi-Desert Law offers a variety of options that are focused and centered around planning and protecting your future. The firm offers assistance with preparing all aspects of an estate plan, including:
- Drafting a will and establishing trusts
- Creating powers of attorney and defining their limits
- Establishing appropriate advance directives
The goal with estate planning at Hi-Desert Law is to keep you out of court. However, when the need arises, Mr. Ross is a trial attorney who can represent clients in probate court. The firm also offers limited legal services for family law matters.
The Firm’s Free Child Protection Program
The firm also offers a unique child protection program, free of charge. This creates a plan for a client’s children. As a former peace officer and victim witness advocate, attorney Ross was witness to situations where parents died unexpectedly without a plan, which required the involvement of Child Protective Services (CPS). Documents clearly directing who will take your children in the event something happens to both parents are a crucial part of an estate plan.
Serving The Community And Creating A Brighter Future
Attorney Ross maintains a community focus and regularly dedicates his time to the community. He is an active member on the board of the Boys and Girls’ Club and volunteers through Shriners and at the Children’s Hospital of Orange County. His work as an attorney reflects his community focus, helping clients to avoid costly mistakes and forging paths that protect their loved ones and secure a brighter future.
Schedule A Free Consultation Today
For a professional and sympathetic approach to estate planning and family law concerns, call today and schedule your free initial consultation. You can schedule your appointment by calling 760-999-2095 or sending an email through the online email form.